Cyrus has launched the Stream X Signature, it’s most ambitious network streamer to date. It combines compatibility with high resolution audio formats and “the most advanced audio engineering” according to its maker. Differences with the Stream X include power supply filtering and the addition of a ballast transformer. Capable of streaming high resolution audio files at up to 24 bit/192 kHz and compatibe with all the usual file formats. The Stream X Signature allows wired or wireless connection to UPnP and DLNA devices, as well as USB and coaxial SPDIF connections. These inputs are complimented by access to internet radio through TuneIn Radio service.
All of the products in Cyrus’s flagship Signature range are designed with sound quality in mind, and the Stream X Signature demonstrates this commitment with a host of audiophile grade components, filtering and acoustic design techniques. It can be controlled with the Cyrus n-remote or the Cadence iOS app. Output is digital only via coaxial SPDIF so users will require a DAC to incorporate it into their systems. As ever it inhabits the diecast aluminium chassis that is the brand’s trademark. Price is £1,250 or £1,450 with n-remote.