
It’s official, PMC are High End

Happiness Stan

In recognition of its continued commitment to develop and produce high quality hi-fi and audio equipment, PMC has become only the second British company to be voted into Germany’s High End Society, the organisation behind the High End trade fair in Munich. The other company being Cambridge Audio, Bowers & Wilkins is represented by its German division.

Founded in 1982, High End was formed by a group of 11 people, representing 12 companies working in the German hi-fi industry. Its original name was High End Interest Society for High Quality Consumer Electronics and today, 36 years later, it continues to represent the interests of the leading audio companies in Germany, per the wishes of the original founders. However, it has also extended its outlook to companies from other territories that have made a significant contribution to hi-fi.

PMC became the 56th member of the society, having been voted onto the membership list during the annual general meeting held in June 2017. The fact that it is only the second British company in the history of the society to be granted membership is testament to the standing with which PMC is held in by the hi-fi community in Germany.

PMC owner Peter Thomas reacted to the news by stating “For many years the world’s hi-fi industry has looked to the High End Society as the gold standard and guardians of high quality audio manufacturing and has regularly gathered for the annual High End Show to have a first-hand look at the most desirable products available on the market.” He continues, “To be voted onto the membership list is a real honour for PMC. It is testament to our continued commitment to provide our customers with a wide-ranging selection of high-end audio products that have no equal. We are extremely proud that the successive years of hard work, dedication and commitment by our team in taking PMC to the show has been noticed and recognised by the other members of the High End Society, and look forward to working together to further the cause of high quality audio.” Which all sounds a little formal for Pete but he must have been chuffed, or at least a bit more happy than the picture suggests.

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