
Just the ticket


British music lovers looking to upgrade their speakers  to PMC’s multi-award winning twenty series (during August, September and October), can now potentially do so for free if they are one of three lucky winners in PMC’s Golden Ticket promotion.
A Golden Ticket will be handed to each person who purchases a twenty series loudspeaker from an authorised UK PMC retailer until 31st October. After registering their speakers online and entering the details of the store and sales person who served them, their name will go into a random draw for that month.  Draws will take place mid-September, mid-October and end-November, with the three lucky winners receiving the purchase price of their speakers from PMC.
Miles Roberts, PMC’s managing director, says, “In the two years since we launched the twenty series, sales have been phenomenal, leading to record business growth for the company at home and overseas.” He continues, “It is great to see music lovers wanting to get as close as they can to the original studio recording by choosing the twenty series, and this is our way of saying thank you. We look forward to making three proud PMC twenty series owners very happy.”

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