Starting on the 1st November Music Matters will be hosting a month long Hi-fi Festival based in its stores. They will be showcasing a series of informative events with all manner of demonstrations covering topics from state-of-the art streaming audio systems to getting the best from a turntable. Experiencing ultra high quality two channel stereo to comparing some of the best headphones in the world. The aim is to provide something for everyone who cares about high quality sound. There will be live music selected events and apparently “no wellies are required”.
The festival will take place at Music Matters stores in Birmingham, Stratford-upon-Avon, Solihull and London and consists of evening events on weekdays and daytime sessions on Saturdays. Full details can be found here. The first event will feature John Martin from Isotek presenting a seminar on how to get best results from your system in the Birmingham store on Friday November 1st. A highlight looks like being a celebration of Rega’s 40th anniversary on the 21st, Roy Gandy will be ‘in the house’ at the Shakespeare Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon. Whether he will give you a soliloquy from Hamlet is open to debate.
The Music Matters Hi-fi Festival