Vertere Iso-paw feet are designed and manufactured to enhance the performance of the company’s DG-1 record player and/or Phono-1 cartridge amplifier. Experimentation has found these are not only worthwhile for Vertere products but also many low – medium mass products benefit especially phono stages and DACs. Vertere suggests a maximum weight per Paw of 2.5kg
Utilising an Acetal support with Felt underside for coupling with the support surface and Sorbothane dome top for decoupling and supporting Iso-paws are available in packs of three and four. They are easily installed under each foot of a component and provide “better isolation and enhanced bottom end, better focused imaging and soundstage and quieter background resulting in increased dynamic range.”
Iso-paw enhances the performance of the Vertere Phono-1 providing similar increased immunity from unwanted external vibrations. Internal circuits are affected by microphony – especially the equalisation and amplifier circuits for the delicate phono cartridge signal.
Iso-paw is available to buy from a Vertere specialist retailer, or online from the Vertere website. Prices: UK £95 for 3 or £115 for 4, US $135 for 3 or $165 for 4, EU €129 for 3 or €159 for 4.