
Russ lets rip

CD ripper

CD ripping service from Russ Andrews Accessories makes the transiton to computer audio painless

Russ Andrews Accessories is launching a CD ripping service to help those people wishing to make the transition to computer based audio systems, by removing from the end user the time consuming process of ripping the discs and the uncertainty as to whether data has been transferred without corruption.

With more and more people making the change to computer based audio systems, using streamers, Macs or PCs, one of the biggest headaches for audiophiles is the need to rip an existing, and often extensive, CD collection onto a hard disk to make it accessible via the computer. Having made the transition itself, Russ Andrews Accessories knows just how time consuming it can be as a process and the potential data loss pitfalls that come from using a standard computer CD reader. The company has invested in an automated CD ripping machine and is offering to rip customers’ CD collections to an external hard drive, in the format of their choice.

The bulk disc ripper used by Russ Andrews can take up to 200 CDs at once, which are loaded onto spindles and then robotically transferred to four high quality drives. The customer can specify what format the discs are ripped to: WAV, AIFF, MP3, WMA, FLAC, AAC and whether multiple copies are needed in different formats, for example FLAC for the hi-fi system and MP3 for use on a portable music player. Data integrity is maintained automatically by the system, which can make multiple rips if necessary to ensure the data is captured bit perfectly. Extensive metadata and album artwork for each disc is gathered from several online databases, enabling users to view information about the disk being played on their computer music system of choice, whether that be iTunes, Meridian Sooloos or some other device.

To make the process even simpler, Russ Andrews can send you a secure packing case and empty spindles capable of holding up to 500 CDs. The customer then unboxes all their CDs and loads them onto the spindles within the packing case. After a call to Russ Andrews to say it is ready the case is collected and delivered to the company’s offices in Kendal. Ripping then takes place, which can take three to four days, depending upon the size of the collection and then the original CDs are returned to the customer in the secure case, along with the hard drive containing the ripped files.

A video of the ripping process in action can be viewed at:

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