Project Audio Stereo Set E1 system review

Project Audio Stereo Set E1 system I have been listening to music via digital mediums exclusively since the mid-nineties. Prior to this, I was an avid record collector, albeit on a schoolboy budget. My migration to CD was forced by circumstances, namely that until recently I had neither the space nor suitable room in which […]

Best hi-fi of 2024

The Ear’s reviewers pick the best hi-fi of 2024 If you want to know the best hi-fi of 2024, the audio products that really wowed our reviewers this year look no further. These components that made a lasting impression, they are the ones reviewers would have held onto if they could and sometimes did. There […]

pmc active twenty5.22i review

PMC active twenty5.22i loudspeakers Active or powered speakers are finally having their hay day, the demand for smaller wireless audio systems is largely why this is happening now but incorporating amplifiers and electronic crossovers into the speaker cabinet has advantages way beyond space and cost saving. The main advantage and the one for which active […]

Buchardt Anniversary 10 active speaker review

Buchardt Anniversary 10 wireless active speakers Danish company Buchardt made a good impression with the S400 passive two-way that I reviewed last year so when the active Anniversary 10 became available it didn’t take long to get a pair in. Key features, alongside the onboard amps, are the use of the much-talked about Purifi woofers, […]

Dutch & Dutch 8c active loudspeakers

Dutch & Dutch 8c active DSP loudspeakers I first encountered Dutch & Dutch when they were still in development mode and visited their Rotterdam factory early in 2017 to see what this dynamic company were up to ahead of their monitor loudspeaker launch a year later. The work was certainly breaking new ground in cardioid […]

ATC SCM40A active speaker review

ATC SCM40A active loudspeakers Active or powered loudspeakers seem to be gaining ground in the wireless world that so many music lovers choose. The sort of powered speakers that are making headway tend to be more about keeping costs down and features up, but that is changing; there are now some respectable speaker makers building […]

Velodyne DD10+ subwoofers review

Velodyne DD10+ subwoofers However you look at it, bass is a bit of a bugger. Everyone has a very different idea of how it should sound, and getting decent bass in smallish rooms can present the music lover with something of a challenge. Received wisdom (of the historical sort) suggests that large drivers and large […]

Phonar Veritas p6.2 Match active loudspeakers review

Phonar Veritas p6.2 Match Air wireless loudspeakers Loudspeakers need power to work. Historically, that power has been pure analogue signals from analogue power amplifier circuits. The crossover circuits, which share out these high-power signals, are usually passive, using only inductors, capacitors and resistors running at high power levels and inside the speaker cabinets. As these […]

Triangle Borea BR02 Connect wireless loudspeaker review

Triangle Borea BR02 Connect powered loudspeakers French hi-fi brand Triangle’s catalogue is not short on compact active loudspeakers, and now we have new additions in the shape of the Borea Connect range, based on passive variants. There are two models: the larger Borea 03, with 160cm main drive units and two 60W amplifiers, and the […]

The Ear Best hi-fi of 2023

The Ear picks the best hi-fi of 2023 2023 has been a tough year for the hi-fi industry but that has done nothing to stem the flow of first class products coming to market. In fact there are even more extraordinary audio components to choose from than there were last year, with advances made in […]

Acoustic Energy AE1 Active review

Acoustic Energy AE1 Active Since I got involved with this reviewing malarkey some years ago now, I have been privileged to host some very fine components in my system. Included in that list are at least two pairs of Acoustic Energy floorstanding loudspeakers. I thoroughly enjoyed them and wrote about them with enthusiasm. Thus when […]

Sonus faber Duetto wireless speakers

Sonus faber Duetto wireless speakers With a four-decade pedigree of Italian-designed loudspeakers, Sonus faber has produced its first streaming active speaker system, following the success of its Omnia wireless speaker. The  Duetto is clearly an effort to make inroads into a new market segment for an audience demanding high quality with as few boxes as […]