Constellation Mini SE puts Pachanko Labs on the high end map
Pachanko Labs Constellation Mini SE server/streamer Made in La Réunion is not something I have seen on anything before let alone a high end audio component, and yet Pachanko Labs is based in the French Department in the Indian Ocean thousands of miles from the nearest hi-fi retailer. Apart from the active volcanos and persistently […]
Development Audio Cymatics 6 takes the stage
Development Audio Cymatics 6 speakers A product launch usually generates interest but when it comes from a whole new audio brand then it’s time to really get excited, especially when its founder has such a solid pedigree in the business. The Cymatics 6 is a two-way stand-mount loudspeaker from Development Audio, the brand’s inaugural product […]
Epic Digital Tuned Aray lives up to its name
Chord Company Epic Digital Tuned Aray cable The Chord Company has been revising its Epic range of cables these last few months. Keen readers may remember my review of the Epic X interconnects last year. I still owe them a big thank-you for coming to the rescue and supplying me with an Epic AES/EBU earlier […]
Dali Rubikore 2 speakers: clean, clear and crisp
Dali Rubikore 2 speakers Dali, or Danish Audiophile Loudspeaker Industries, has something of a cult following judging by their crowded rooms at hi-fi shows. So popular is the brand that it’s often impossible to find space at these events. I was therefore very excited to be offered their latest two-way bookshelf to try in my […]
Rega Nd5 moves the MM goal posts
Rega Nd5 moving magnet cartridge The Nd5 is the second of three moving magnet cartridges announced by Rega at the Bristol Hi-Fi Show, the first new examples from the company in over a decade. It resembles and is in almost all respects identical to the Nd3 entry level cartridge that we reviewed last earlier in […]
Burson Soloist Voyager headphone amp packs a punch
Burson Audio Soloist Voyager headphone amplifier The days when it would have been fair to characterise Burson as one of the best-kept secrets in the UK and European audio scene are rapidly receding in the rear-view mirror as the Australian brand steadily gains traction here. Burson was founded 28 years ago and now from its […]
Buchardt Anniversary 10 solid wireless winners
Buchardt Anniversary 10 wireless active speakers Danish company Buchardt made a good impression with the S400 passive two-way that I reviewed last year so when the active Anniversary 10 became available it didn’t take long to get a pair in. Key features, alongside the onboard amps, are the use of the much-talked about Purifi woofers, […]
Lampizator Baltic 4 natural digital
Lampizator Baltic 4 valve DAC I have been using solid-state electronics for years but have always been intrigued by valve or tube based components. The Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista products, which were very impressive when I reviewed them for The Ear qualify as hybrid tube products, but the Nuvistor tubes used in them are a niche […]
Zinamp Z-Act for better vinyl sound
Zinamp Z-Act MM cartridge enhancement system A good number of us absolutely love vinyl replay. It’s not only that the sound is so good, but also there’s something comforting about the ritual of putting a record on, of tailoring the sound to suit your ears with the vast range of different cartridge types or choice […]
Leema Neutron & Graviton entry level amp stars
Leema Neutron & Graviton pre & power amplifiers Leema Acoustics launched its Quantum range of entry level electronics late last year, the first to come our way are the Neutron, an analogue and digital preamplifier bristling with input options and boasting onboard DAC and MM/MC phono stage, and the matching Graviton is a 150 Watt […]
Rekkord M600 vinyl pedigree
Rekkord Audio M600 turntable Let me start with a confession. I was totally unfamiliar with the Rekkord Audio brand until I received an email from our Editor a few weeks ago asking if I would be interested in reviewing their top turntable. I was sufficiently intrigued to agree to doing the review and only then […]
Dynavector XX-2A: MC with a magnetic personality
Dynavector XX-2A moving coil cartridge Dynavector has a strong pedigree and reputation for producing high-quality and well-respected cartridges and when I heard there was a brand new XX-2A model making its debut, I was straight on the phone to secure a sample. Dynavector was founded in 1978 by Dr Noboru Tominari, who was previously a […]