
  Rega Elicit-R & Aria Rega's new product releases continue apace even amidst its 40th birthday celebrations. At Bristol there were two new fully formed components and a prototype. The Aria phono stage (£798) is an MM/MC ready model with two transformers onboard and dip switches for varying gain and loading. Elicit-R is complete redesign […]


  The Sound & Vision Bristol show has become the best show in the UK. Every february the great and the good make a pilgrimage to the west and congregate in the challenge to boutique hotels that is the Marriott City Centre, for there they are in for a lively long weekend. It constantly surprises […]

CES at the Venetian, Las Vegas

Back in the city that never sleeps it's hard to sleep! That means more time to check out the incredible array of high end deluxe being demonstrated. 2013 appears to be the year of streaming, I've lost count of how many new examples were being demonstrated by brands big and small. As ever there is […]


The National Audio show proved to be a more popular event than expected thanks to a good turn out from visitors and exhibitors alike. As well as the usual suspects there were rooms taken by European brands including Backes & Muller, T&A and Polish representative G-Point Audio sitting alongside dealer dems and individual companies. The […]

record stall

It’s taken me a long time to get to Italy’s biggest show and I now realise that I should have started a long while back. Where else can you get such fabulous food, see such beautiful shops, people and buildings and hear such a diversity of serious kit. The best rooms at this event sounded […]

Horns Universum

Springtime in Munich, a great time for wheat beer, meat and a fabulous array of high end kit. The biggest and best high end show in Europe continues to surprise and entertain with the variety of manufacturers and designs that are on display and demonstration. This year the very high standard that this show sets […]