Moon has announced that its streaming products* now feature Apple AirPlay 2. The new integrated streaming module allows Apple users to play music from any iOS device and to change music with Siri voice control. AirPlay 2 also adds multi-room playback to Moon’s selection of connectivity options.
AirPlay 2 offers complete control and lets the listener enjoy their favourite music or podcast throughout the home and in perfect sync. Different songs can be played in different rooms – music can be streamed in one room and a podcast can be played in another. With AirPlay 2 friends can add their own music to the mix. And all listeners can use Siri and say the song, say the room and then enjoy the performance.
Existing Moon owners who want to add AirPlay 2 can contact their local Moon dealer to arrange to have the new module installed. The UK consumer upgrade price is £265.
*Moon products featuring Apple AirPlay 2
ACE – all-in-one music system
MiND 2 network player
280D – streaming DAC
390 – network player/preamplifier
680D – streaming DAC
780D v2 – streaming DAC