In March 2022 dCS will launch the Ring DACTM APEX. This next generation hardware will debut in the dCS Vivaldi DAC, Rossini DAC and Rossini Player, and “delivers a range of sonic and measured improvements for dCS owners”.
Following extensive research and development, dCS have made some major changes to the hardware portion of the Ring DAC, the first 24-bit digital to analogue converter when it was launched in 1996. dCS have reconfigured the Ring DAC’s circuit board and developed an all-new analogue output stage.
This has allowed them to “reduce distortion, improve linearity, and deliver both measured and subjective improvements in a range of key areas, taking the Ring DAC’s world-leading performance to a new level. It has also allowed us to enhance the performance of the much-loved dCS Vivaldi DAC, Rossini DAC, and Rossini Player.”
On March 4th 2022, dCS will release a new generation of Vivaldi DACs, Rossini DACs, and Rossini Players. These next generation APEX models will feature the new Ring DACTM APEX hardware as standard. They will also offer the Ring DACTM APEX upgrade to existing Vivaldi and Rossini owners through a global upgrade programme. Pricing and more information will be made available on March 2nd.