Chord Company has launched the new Epic speaker links, high-quality loudspeaker terminal link cables designed to upgrade the pressed metal plates commonly provided with most b-wire terminal loudspeakers.
The Epic speaker links are hand-built in the Wiltshire factory using the company’s Epic XL loudspeaker cable and are terminated with the recently introduced Choralloy plated connectors for lower intermodulation effects and a tarnish-free finish.
The Epic XL cable used to create the links combines elements of the upper-range Signature Reference/XL and Epic speaker cables; the ‘XL‘ suffix signifying the company’s use of the high-performance dielectric XLPE (cross-linked polythene).
Available in sets of four, the Epic speaker links benefit from individually shielded silver-plated connectors, a high-density foil with 95 per cent coverage braid, and XLPE insulation. The links are available in Choralloy-plated 4 mm banana or spade connectors, in all configurations. Measuring 28 cm in length and priced at £150, custom lengths are also available.