
Roy Rodriguez RIP


British audio engineer Roy Rodriguez passed away last weekend. Little known outside the more technical echelons of the loudspeaker industry Roy supplied acoustic components, cones, spiders surrounds etc. to many UK speaker businesses including Goodmans, Bowers & Wilkins, Mordaunt-Short, Meridian. Latterly he developed the beryllium domes that Focal put into production for their high end designs. He was still working and supplying Lowther and Vivid Audio right up to the end.
Roy was a London lad who started making spiders for Goodmans in the early ‘70s. He moved to Devon and founded Speaker Component Engineering in Devon, later Acoustic Component Engineering. A company with about 25 staff in his heyday. Latterly he’d downsized to be a one man show based in Launceston. Our thanks to Laurence Dickie of Vivid Audio for this information.

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