Kudos Sigao Drive: unpowered but certainly not powerless
Kudos Sigao Drive passive/active crossover Every now and again, a product turns up for perusal that defies easy description and the Kudos Sigao Drive might be the gold standard of the breed. Kudos is a County Durham based speaker manufacturer and a significant proportion of their products are supplied with both conventional speaker terminals and […]
Best hi-fi of 2023
The Ear picks the best hi-fi of 2023 2023 has been a tough year for the hi-fi industry but that has done nothing to stem the flow of first class products coming to market. In fact there are even more extraordinary audio components to choose from than there were last year, with advances made in […]
Melco S10 for a sweet digital life
Melco S10 network switch The Melco S10 could have been made to whip up the bits is bits brigade into a frenzy. The notion that a network or data switch can have a bearing on sound quality is an anathema to such flat earthers, but one that costs five grand would be too much. And […]
Silent Angel Bonn N8 Pro
It seems a little strange that a relatively new company that specialises in streaming audio should be taking the same approach that Naim Audio did nearly 50 years ago, but it’s a sonic and business model that has served them well so why not. Silent Angel offer a range of streamers, network switches and a […]