Daniel Hertz Maria 350 integrated amplifier review https://the-ear.net

Daniel Hertz Maria 350 integrated amplifier Mark Levinson has sold his name more than once so in the last few decades has created other brands for his creations, Cello and Red Rose come to mind, and now we have Daniel Hertz which is apparently a family name. The Daniel Hertz Maria 350 integrated amplifier is […]

Atlas Arran Ultra L RCA Grun review https://the-ear.net

Atlas Arran Ultra L RCA Grun This review started slightly differently to the norm. A friend came to listen to some music and asked if I had a spare interconnect in the many boxes of cables that have built up over the years. So we started to listen to a few of those that I […]

Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 800.2 integrated amplifier & Nu-Vista DAC review https://the-ear.net

Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 800.2 integrated amplifier & Nu-Vista DAC As an audiophile who got his introduction to this hobby, or perhaps obsession is a better word, in the late eighties, the Musical Fidelity brand had a big impact on me. I remember hearing their Tim de Paravincini designed Class A, A1 model for the first […]

Auralic Vega S1 & S1 S1 Purer-Power review https://the-ear.net

Auralic Vega S1 & Purer-Power S1 streamer & power supply Auralic’s range of streamers and related ancillaries has been growing in quantity and price over the dozen or so years since the brand launched with the original Aries streamer in its curvy plastic case. Today’s top Auralics inhabit machined aluminium casework and sit on sprung […]

SPL Phonos MM/MC phono stage

SPL Phonos MM/MC phono stage German company SPL is one of a small coterie of brands that produce components for both audio enthusiasts and professional studios. There aren’t many other electronics companies whose products are used extensively in both worlds, this is more common with loudspeakers where the demands are not so different but if […]

Tellurium Q Ultra Silver II USB cable

Tellurium Q Ultra Silver II USB cable Never did I think that a one-metre cable would change the sound of my system quite so much. But did this short USB cable bring a change for the better? Speaking to the guys from Hegel at the Oslo Hi-Fi Show I decided that I wanted to experiment […]

Avid Integra integrated amplifier review https://the-ear.net

Avid Integra integrated amplifier Avid Hifi made its name with turntables, solidly engineered and superbly finished examples of the breed. Having built models to suit a wide range of pockets the Huntingdon-based company started building a range of electronics and speakers in order to be able to offer full systems to its customers around the […]

Oephi Immanence 2.5 speaker review https://the-ear.net

Oephi Immanence 2.5 loudspeakers Reviewing Oephi’s standmount Transcendence 2 earlier in the year gave me a taste for the fast, dynamic and frankly thrilling sound of this Danish cable maker’s loudspeakers, it didn’t take long before a request was put in for something bigger. That bigger speaker is the Immanence 2.5, which is not the […]

ATC SCM40A active speaker review https://the-ear.net

ATC SCM40A active loudspeakers Active or powered loudspeakers seem to be gaining ground in the wireless world that so many music lovers choose. The sort of powered speakers that are making headway tend to be more about keeping costs down and features up, but that is changing; there are now some respectable speaker makers building […]

Velodyne DD10+ subwoofers review https://the-ear.net

Velodyne DD10+ subwoofers However you look at it, bass is a bit of a bugger. Everyone has a very different idea of how it should sound, and getting decent bass in smallish rooms can present the music lover with something of a challenge. Received wisdom (of the historical sort) suggests that large drivers and large […]

Benchmark DAC3 HGC DAC/pre and AHB2 stereo power amp review https://the-ear.net

Benchmark DAC3 HGC DAC/pre and AHB2 stereo power amp I suppose it’s having grown-up with it, as it were, in my early BBC days but I just love the look, feel and operation of professional audio equipment. When the chance presented itself to try some Benchmark electronics from the US, I just could not resist. […]

Phonar Veritas p6.2 Match active loudspeakers review https://the-ear.net

Phonar Veritas p6.2 Match Air wireless loudspeakers Loudspeakers need power to work. Historically, that power has been pure analogue signals from analogue power amplifier circuits. The crossover circuits, which share out these high-power signals, are usually passive, using only inductors, capacitors and resistors running at high power levels and inside the speaker cabinets. As these […]