Show Reports

Audiojumble Autumn 2014


Make your own records to a higher standard than Neil Young and Jack White with Le Discographe vinyl cutting lathe by Le Dauphin (1930- 1948).

mullard TY53000

This beast is Mullard TY5-3000 transmitter valve from

high cheap

More typical of Audiojumble fare is this stack 'em high sell 'em at very reasonable prices approach.

john shearne amps

You don't see many of these John Shearne monoblocks from the late nineties in this condition.

luxman integrateds

A brace of Luxman, an L-5, 60W integrated for £150 and on top a 38W, L-31 for £180.

townshend excalibur 2

Townshend Excalibur MkII arm for the Rock turntable, £425

triodes old stock

Old old stock triodes "with original packaging".

PT dacapo

A Pink Triangle DaCapo DAC complete with HDCD decoding.

fada l57

US made Fada wireless in Catalin, a refinement of Bakolite. These go for even bigger money online.

naim 42 0

Chrome bumper Naim. NAC 42 top and NAC 42.5 with MC phono stage below.

portable TTs

Mmmmmmm orange. Portable 7inch record players at £45 a pop.

sony nagra system

The tape dem included Nagras through the ages, Jonathan Billington's QUAD 606 and LS3/5As and a rather special Sony (below). The Nagra D (second from left) was used by Ivan Sharrock to make location recordings on the English Patient and Gangs of New York.

sony apr5000

Sony APR-5000, last of the analogue Sony recorders built in 88/89 for mastering and converted for half inch tape. Calibration is via software accessible behind the flap at the front.

sony pre

Sony valve recording amplifier converted into a preamplifier.

rega kyte

Rega Kyte standmounts for a mere £45

thorens td124

It wouldn't be an Audiojumble without at least one Thorens TD124 Mk2, on offer for £550.

stereo 20s

Another perenial is the Leak Stereo 20, a remarkable amplifier. The lower one was £250 and the lovely gold example £480.

marantz cdps

Marantz sold an awful lot of CD players back in the day, but who wants them now?

keilidh R5

Linn Keilidh left £175 and Rega R5 £185.

telefunken cutter

1937 Telefunken vinyl mastering cutter, complete with playback arm at rear and the same motor that Neumann modified for use in its lathes.

mystery arm

Rewired mystery arm from back in the low compliance cartridge day.



Tonbridge, Kent

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