Although there is a less is more ethos across the high end world few companies imbue their products with the degree of design purity that Primare does. This one suspects is down to their Scandinavian roots, that part of the world is well known for its clean, pared down design, frippery is not in their […]


Eminent Technology first came to my attention with a parallel tracking, air bearing tonearm which is apparently still available in limited numbers. So it was surprising to discover that they are now a speaker company, something that became apparent when I was asked to review the floorstanding LFT-8B for another publication a couple of years […]


There are moments when I don’t quite understand the marketing inclinations of Naim Audio, in particular moments when they promote product combinations that deserve to be treated separately. Take the DAC-V1 digital-to-analogue converter under consideration here and the NAP 100 power amplifier that I have been using for a couple of months. Look up most […]


I got a remarkable result with the Q Acoustics 2010i last year, at £120 it was the least expensive speaker I had reviewed in a long while but far from the least entertaining, almost the opposite. Q Acoustics has done well by using a top notch freelance designer, Karl Heinz Fink (the man behind Naim […]


When PMC launched the twenty series last year my first thought was, I want to hear the big one, the twenty.24 floorstander. After all when it comes to speakers bigger is better is it not. When I reviewed that model I was very confident that this had been proved once again. However, now that I’ve […]


Every once in a while a product appears on the market that is so appealing that you need to buy it. This time it is not a gadget but a real audio product from a highly reputed company in Salisbury. A small power amplifier in the Naim tradition designed primarily to be used with their […]

Canary CD-300

Could it be that one reason Canary Audio makes a big deal out of its 100% American manufacturing is that it has a name that sounds slightly oriental? Or am I over analysing things a little. Canary is most definitely a North American company, after all it builds a range of tube components from the […]


The Modi and Magni are the newest models from the increasingly popular, North American based Schiit Audio. The naughtily named maker of DAC and headphone amplifier separates now have an official UK distributor in Electromod, who sold me this combo. Electromod started selling high end audio products like this in 2011 (Hifiman and Stax were […]


Ever since the first ProLogue the PrimaLuna brand has earned a reputation for well-made, practical products with superb sound quality. The experience that PrimaLuna has built up over the years and its keen eye for new technology have provided the materials for an update of the DiaLogue range to Premium-level. It took some time before […]


Sonus faber’s new Venere range is largest the company has released in one hit for as long as I can remember. It currently consists of two standmounts, two floorstanders, a centre channel and a surround model, there will also be a bigger model in future. Venere's sound quality, specification, finish and provenance are what put […]


For as long as I can remember D/A-converters have intrigued me and as a result these little boxes prey on my wallet from time to time. I have owned quite a few, ranging from Audio Alchemy, TEAC and Apogee to PS Audio and I still possess one of the first Sony’s (a 1985 example). I […]


A&R Cambridge or Arcam as it's known these days is well established in the field of hi-fi proper, but it could be said that the rPAC represents a departure from their usual products. It's true that they've made DACs before, but not combined with headphone amplifiers, not USB powered portables and not this reasonably priced. […]