
There weren’t so many rooms resonating with the sound of great music at Whittlebury this year, but the ones that were upped both the sound quality and musical diversity to make up for it. There was a strong emphasis on turntables with two new manufacturers making their debuts alongside a selection of new models from […]


My first CanJam and TBH I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was a large ballroom under a hotel in the middle of a roundabout near to Waterloo Station. Arranged around the room were various headphone and headphone accessory purveyors whose fare included  all manner of head- and earphones, amplification, tips for earbuds, […]


Now in its second year, the boutique-style hi-fi show in Vancouver boasted 23 display areas at the Hilton Metrotown, although unfortunately two were not staffed. Nonetheless, this left a host of brands for visitors to sample. Many of the demonstrations were staged by hi-fi dealers from the Vancouver area, such as the display (above) by […]


The high end continues to get more expensive and the clientele are not getting any younger, but Harman had the sense to use the world’s greatest turntable (Rega RP10) in their Mark Levinson and JBL Everest dems at Munich. They were not the only ones to realise the potential of analogue to impress an audience […]


MQA, the encode/decode system for halving file sizes is making serious inroads into the pro and domestic scene. Warner Music signed up to MQA shortly before the show and the ability to decode the format appeared in a number of new DACs. Essentially built to provide higher resolution streaming services MQA seems to have the […]


Someone described the High End show in Munich as the Superbowl of the audio industry, it’s certainly a fabulous event with considerably more audio hardware gathered in one building than you will find anywhere else, but luckily there weren’t any guys in shoulder pads and helmets around. Here is the first tranche of new products […]


While some can’t get enough of the vinyl revival those of us who never stopped spinning the stuff appreciate the delights of a decent turntable, and there were more than a few at Bristol, not least the new Planar 3 (above). Even the Japanese are joining in with Technics reviving DJ favourite the SL 1200 […]


There was a distinct buzz on the first day of the Bristol show, it’s always lively but this year the energy was higher and, it turned out, people were here to do more than look and listen. Sales were up fifty per cent on last year and higher than they have been for over a […]


Having organised the Audiojumble events for 23 years the remarkable John Howes has stepped back and passed the ‘reins’ over to the next generation. The February 2016 jumble was the first to be entirely run by Richard, Michael and Catherine Howes. It proved a popular event teaming with hi-fi and record collectors on the look […]


Metropolis Studios in Chiswick is a choice location for an audio event. Built in a former Victorian power station the building has numerous rooms, open spaces and a cafĂ© serving pounding beats! The Headroom show attracted a broad array of exhibitors and a fair few enthusiasts, the latter getting the opportunity to hear some of […]


The Audio Video is not only about obscure brands and vintage kit, the National Stadium featured nearly all the big brands in the business in 60 rooms. There were also a lot of headphones and a good selection of ‘real world’ products alongside some wild esoterica. Here’s a taste of what was on offer and […]


The Audio Video show in Warsaw, Poland has grown to be the second largest in Europe and packs in every variety of audio kit you can imagine alongside a selection of big TVs. Located in two hotels and the national stadium it gathers audio brands from across the world. There is naturally a strong showing […]